I've spent a great deal of time digesting a lot of nature writing while thinking about this project, and because ideas don't exist in bubbles, I'm sharing that reading list with you. I've also taken the liberty of creating an easy to access shopping list for you through my favorite independent bookstore. It would mean a great deal to me if you would support them with your own literary journey.
Saving America’s Amazon—Ben Rains
Braiding Sweetgrass—Robin Wall Kimmerer
Hidden Life of Trees—Peter Wohllenben
The Secret Wisdom of Nature—Peter Wohllenben with Jane Billinghurst
The Language of Butterflies—Wendy Williams
A Sand County Almanac—Aldo Leopold
The Living Mountain—Nan Shepherd
Underland—Rob MacFarlane
Landmarks—Rob MacFarlane
H is for Hawk—Helen MacDonald
The Book of Hope—Doug Abrams and Jane Goodall
Why Fish Don’t Exist—Lulu Miller
The Book of Eels—Patrik Svensson
Known by Salt—Tina Mozelle Braziel
Nature—Ralph Waldo Emerson
How to Connect—Thich Nhat Hanh
How to Love—Thich Nhat Hanh
How to See—Thich Nhat Hanh
How to Walk—Thich Nhat Hanh
The Lost Spells—Robert Macfarlane with Jackie Morris
When Women Were Birds—Terry Tempest Williams
Wild—Cheryl Strayed
Letters to a Young Scientist—E. O. Wilson
Walking—Henry David Thoreau
Walden—Henry David Thoreau
Postcolonial Love Poems—Natalie Diaz
The Peregrine—J A Baker
Entangled Life—Merlin Sheldrake
To Those Who Were Our First Gods—Nickole Brown
Their Eyes Were Watching God—Zora Neale Hurston
Gathering Moss—Robin Wall Kimmerer
Lost & Found—Kathryn Schulz
Rooted—Lyanda Lynn Haupt